Welcome to London!
“…in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:26-28)
London is a very diverse city with numerous inter-city and international links. Many of us at St John’s have come from overseas as well as from across the UK. As Christians from different cultural backgrounds, we rejoice in being united in Christ. We would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone new to London, whether you are coming from a non-English-speaking culture or English-speaking culture. You can also find out more on our pages about what to expect at St John’s and how to find us.
A warm welcome to those newly arrived from Hong Kong
If Cantonese is your mother tongue, native Cantonese-speakers at St John’s will be delighted to help you settle into our church. If you have any questions or are interested in joining a Cantonese Bible Study group, please email Grace at [email protected] | 廣東話是您的母語?我們教會有講廣東話的基督徒可以歡迎您,幫助您融入教會家庭。 若您有其他相關查詢,或有興趣參加廣東話查經小組,請與Grace 姊妹聯絡。電郵地址 [email protected] |
Women’s Cantonese Bible Study: John’s gospel On Mondays 9:30-11:00 Please email Grace to sign up *You are most welcomed to bring a packed lunch to heat up for the optional social time afterwards | 廣東話婦女查經小組:約翰福音 逢星期一 0930-1100 有興趣參加或想了解更多此查經小組內容的姊妹們請與Grace 姊妹聯絡 *每堂小組完結後,歡迎來賓隨意留步,可以自備午餐在教會茶聚,繼續互相認識交流。 |
Need trusted advice on housing, health, education, employment and BN(O) Visas? Christian charity Welcome Churches has set up this excellent website CN | Home | Welcome to the UK. | 需要可信資料幫助您安頓於英國?找尋居住,醫療,教育,就業,BN(O) 簽證資訊? 基督教機構Welcome Churches CN | Home | Welcome to the UK 網站可以幫到您。 |
Japanese Speakers @ St John’s Downshire Hill
Worship the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. | 主の御名を崇めます。 |
Worship Service in Japanese Held regularly every fourth Sunday. Sunday School is also held in Japanese. Everyone is welcome. | 日本語での礼拝です。どなたでも参加できます。毎月第四日曜日、子どもの日曜学校もあります。 |
Bible Study in Japanese Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. 10am – 12 noon. | 日本語で聖書を学びます。どなたでも参加できます。 |
Please contact Katsutoshi Shimizu for more information [email protected]
Other nationalities
In addition to the above we have at least 25 different nationalities represented in our church family, including Koreans, Iranians, Afghans as well as many Europeans and North Americans. Internationals are most welcome.
English language class
New to London? New to English? Why not learn to speak English, or improve your English, with our English Language Classes for internationals?
ESL normally meets during term-time as follows:
In-person English Language Class: Tuesdays 10:00-11:30am, cost: £2 per class or £15 for 10 classes. Classes are informal and we try to accommodate all levels of English for internationals.
Bible study in English: Tuesdays 11:45am to 12:30pm.
After the language class there is usually a Bible study in English for those who are interested but we are now taking a short break and will resume next term.
For more information, please email Gussie at [email protected], or phone 020 7099 9360.