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Living for Jesus, sharing his good news in Hampstead, NW3

Children & Youth

Sunday mornings

Sunday Mornings from 10:30am

Please note that, because of our church weekend away, there is no morning service at 10:30am on Sunday 23rd March and, therefore no Sunday Clubs.  Clubs will resume as usual on Sunday 30th March.

However, when we are here, the children would normally start with their parents upstairs in church for the first 10-15 minutes or so of the service.  After the children’s song, the following options would be available downstairs for children aged 0-Year 10.

  • Crèche for children aged 0-2 years old: we have a supervised crèche set up in the Garden Room for parents/carers to use.
  • Scramblers & Starters for children aged 3 years old to Year 3: meet downstairs in the Undercroft.
  • Followers for children in Years 4-6: meet downstairs in the Undercroft.
  • Pathfinders for children in Years 7-10: this week (Sunday 16th March) Pathfinders will meet downstairs in the Boardroom.

Don’t forget to pick your children up promptly from Sunday Club at 12 noon.

Please email our Assistant Minister for Families David Rue if you have any questions about what’s happening on Sunday mornings.

Mid-week activities

Our mid-week groups normally meet during term-time as follows:

‘Mini Mischief’: 9:45-11:00am on Thursday mornings is our group for 0-3s plus their carer(s).  Contact David Rue if you have any questions or want to find out more about what is involved.  

Please note that, because of our church weekend away, there are no Friday Clubs on Friday 21st March.

However, our Friday Clubs for children at primary school and for teens would normally meet for games, crafts, snacks, and a short time of bible teaching as follows:

i)  Awesome (for children in Reception to Year 5): 3:45-5:00pm (will resume after the February half-term date tbc)

ii)  Engage (for Years 6-8): 7:30-9:00pm.

iii) Engage+ (for Years 9-13): 7:30-9:00pm.

Contact David Rue if you have any questions or wish to reserve a place(s) for this term.


At St John’s, we take issues of child protection very seriously; as such, all our clubs are overseen by people who have been DBS checked.  To see a copy of our child protection policy, visit our documents section, or email the Church Office.

As part of our safeguarding procedures, we also ask the parents or guardians of any under 18s who attend our clubs to complete a separate Parental Declaration Form (PDF) for each child.  This ensures that we have the correct information concerning contact details, allergies etc.  The online PDF can be found here.

© 2025 St. John's Downshire Hill

Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London. NW3 1NU. T: 020 7099 9360 E: [email protected]

Registered Charity #1138488

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