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Living for Jesus, sharing his good news in Hampstead, NW3

Sundays and midweek


One of the best ways to get a feel for what goes on at St John’s is to come to one of our Sunday services.  We meet together twice on Sundays (at 10:30am and 6:00pm).  Both services focus on learning more about the God of the Bible, His Son Jesus Christ and what His word has to say about Him and our lives in relation to Him.  You can also follow our services on our livestream and catch up later on our YouTube channel.

Both meetings involve music, prayer and the reading and teaching of the Bible.  The services are slightly different in style and format.  Whether you’re already following Jesus or just wanting to find out more – you’ll be very welcome at either Sunday service:

  • 10:30am morning service (great for families, as we run clubs for children and youth of all ages)
  • 6:00pm evening service (aimed more at adults plus teenagers; regulars include many in their 20s and 30s; there are no children’s clubs at the evening service)


IMG_2902For those who know Christ and express a desire to attend regularly, our midweek small groups are a vital part of church life at St John’s.  Smaller groups of church members meet to pray together, encourage each other, share concerns and discuss the previous Sunday’s talk, and to apply God’s word to their lives.  This is the best way of getting to know people in the fellowship, since it’s hard to form strong friendships on the basis of Sunday services alone.


Whether you are new to St John’s and small groups, or have previously been part of one, please sign up to join a group by clicking here

There are daytime groups for women, as well as a Saturday men’s breakfast for those who find midweek difficult.  We even encourage our youth and children to be involved in midweek groups.   Contact Tom for more details of any of these groups.

Prayer meeting

On the first Wednesday of each month, all the small groups come together to pray – from 8:00pm, we share fellowship, sing praise and pray.  We give thanks for God’s work amongst us, and we petition him for the needs of the church, our mission partners, and believers around the world.  During the pandemic, this is taking place both in person in the church building and on Zoom and the details to join via Zoom are sent in our weekly email, which you can sign up for by filling in the contact form here.


ce newWe try to make our Sunday services as accessible as possible.  However, you may still have lots of questions which you don’t have answers to or you don’t feel you can ask.  As its name suggests, Christianity Explored is an opportunity to investigate the heart of the Christian faith.  It is a short foundations course running over four evenings, and many have found it helpful.  It looks at some key questions and the Bible’s answers to them.  There is plenty of opportunity for asking questions and discussion, and no obligation to read aloud or pray.  We welcome all to join, from those entirely new to the Christian faith to those who would welcome a refresher course.

If you would like to find out more visit the Christianity Explored website, or contact Tom to find out when the next course will run.


Each week, we issue a newsletter by email with details of all that is going on at St John’s.  Please fill in the contact form here if you would like to receive it and we will add you to the circulation list.

© 2025 St. John's Downshire Hill

Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London. NW3 1NU. T: 020 7099 9360 E: office@sjdh.org

Registered Charity #1138488

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