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Living for Jesus, sharing his good news in Hampstead, NW3



Jesus Prays for God’s Glory – John 17:1-5

Come, Everything is Ready – Luke 14:15-24

Take the Lowest Place – Luke 14:1-14

The Ram and the Goat – Daniel 8

One like a son of man – Daniel 7

Make every effort to enter – Luke 13:22-35

The Lion’s Den – Daniel 6

Don’t Murder – Exodus 20:13

The Writing on the Wall – Daniel 5

Honour your parents – Exodus 20:12

A short history of St John’s Downshire Hill

Those Who Walk In Pride He Is Able to Humble – Daniel 4

Keep the Sabbath – Exodus 20:8-11

The Fiery Furnace – Daniel 3

Don’t Misuse My Name – Exodus 20:7

A Troubling Dream – Daniel 2

Don’t Make Idols – Exodus 20:4-6

Who Rules Really? – Daniel 1

No other gods – Exodus 20

Godliness at work – Psalm 112

God at work – Psalm 111

David’s Lord – Psalm 110

Help! – Psalm 109

We Shall Gain the Victory – Psalm 108

God to the Rescue – Psalm 107

Praying for Power

Praying for Mission – Romans 15:14-33

Overcoming the Hurdles – Philippians 1:3-11

Praying to the Sovereign God – Ephesians 1:15-23

A Passion for People – 1 Thessalonians 2:17 – 3:13


© 2024 St. John's Downshire Hill

Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London. NW3 1NU. T: 020 7099 9360 E: [email protected]

Registered Charity #1138488

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